Corporate Courtney
Clothed in culture, class, and, sass Courtney Johnson presents a come to Jesus about being a Black Woman in Corporate America. An outlet to have a humorous conversation about transgressions and stressors in the office. Find me on Instagram & Twitter:_CorporateCourt
52 episodes
FL48-The Great Resignation
With the last episode of 2021, this week, I lament about the end of year push, the itch to be a part of the great resignation, and the duality of my frustration with it. If you love the podcast please rate, review and subscribe. Also, sha...
Season 2

FL47- Batter Up
This week on Floor 47 of Corporate Courtney, I'm discussing Office Politics. Office Politics focuses on advancing self-interest over a common interest. And as toxic as this sounds, it's the name of the game in Corporate America. I tackle the di...
Season 2

This week on Corporate Courtney, I continue the topic of acting white and the cost code-switching yields to those who must assimilate in Corporate America.
Season 2

FL45-Acting White
This week on Floor 45 of Corporate Courtney I get really vulnerable and discuss my lifelong struggle with being told I'm "Acting White" and how that ties to how I'm perceived in Corporate America.
Season 2

FL44- We Aren't a Family
This week on Floor 44, I discuss how toxic the "We Are a Family" line can be in Corporate America. What that statement can actually breed. And how it can negatively impact employees as well as companies.
Season 2

FL43- Workplace Bullying
This week on Corporate Courtney I discuss different types of workplace bullies. Whether it's a boss or peer or even a subordinate. I also quickly talk about ways navigate these bullies or at least keep your sanity while dealing with them. ...
Season 2

FL42-Tales of a Workaholic
Floor 42 of Corporate Courtney, I discuss my inability to step away from work even for my own health. A warning to all who tie too much of their self-efficacy to the workplace. Send your experiences to TheCorporateCourtneyPodcast@gmail.com or m...
Season 2

FL41-Read a Book, Read a Book
Reading is fundamental! So this week on Floor 41 of Corporate Courtney I share a list of Black Female Authors I've read this year. (Well read, reading and purchased )You also get some fresh tea from my personal life. Which you'll only find here...
Season 2

FL40-I Can't Be Your Superwoman
Welcome to Floor 40! This week on Corporate Courtney, I discuss expectations you place on yourself at a new job and why you need to slow it down. Feel free to leave a comment or share your experience.TheCorporateCourtneyPodcast@gmail.com
Season 2

FL39- It's Been a Long Time
Corporate Courtney is BACK! On floor 39, I share why I disappeared from the podcastsphere and what's changed over the last few months. I discuss taking time away from work for surgery, moving, and my experience making a lateral move to further ...
Season 2

FL38- Leggo My Eggo
MicroManaging is a hot button label that flys around Corporate America. So Floor 38 of Corporate Courtney, I'm discussing micromanagers. What exactly is micromangement, why it occurs and how you can assess.
Season 2

FL37- Like, Damn I Don't Brag Enough
Megan Thee Stallion, Simone Biles, and Corporate Courtney Interns all learning to embrace the skill of brag. On this week's floor, I discuss the need to identify your skills and discuss them in the workplace. The Squeaky Wheel get...
Season 2

FL36- Osaka, My Captain!
This week on Corporate Courtney I discuss the close of mental health awareness month. How the buzz of a four-day work week nationally promotes productivity and Queen Naomi Osaka's brave stand for boundaries closed out May. Maybe Mental health i...
Season 2

FL35-Rock The Boat
On this week's Floor, I vent about leadership not talking to their folks on the ground and being cautious of support that doesn't yield change. Its too easy to tell your people you see them and hear them and not rock the boat above you to make ...
Season 2

FL34- Microaggression With Two Gs
A year into Corporate Courtney and I get a real-life scenario to remind me of why I started a podcast for Black Women in Corporate America. The Microaggressions I have the "opportunity" to deal with in a simple interview. LaBria, Lakeisha I fee...
Season 2

FL33- Ms.Right
If Mindless Behavior traveled all across the world just to meet ya, you may need to download Floor 33 immediately. This week I discuss the need to be right and the damage this can do to you in Corporate America.
Season 2

FL32- Courtney Thee Stag...nant
Gorilla Glue Girl and I Walk Into a Bar...Who Mentions Being Stuck First? This week on Corporate Courtney I'm discussing my current "Meh state", the unplanned hiatus and, how my constant complaining of feeling stuck led my therapist and t...
Season 2

FL31- 8 To 5 Lets Get It
This week on Corporate courtney I discuss the benefits of the 8 to 5, 9 to 5, Corporate America life.
Season 2

Water Cooler Chat: Stop Asian Hate
On this water cooler chat, I address the unfortunate murder of 8 people in Atlanta, GA this week. The heavy heart I've had over the last few days as we try and process the violence against the Asian community in America and show support with my...
Season 2

FL30- Thriving, Surviving and Killing It in Male-Dominated Industries
This week on Corporate Courtney, I praise women in the workplace and specifically those of us in male-dominated fields. I also, discuss balancing both the masculine and feminine energies to be successful in these places.
Season 2

FL29-Did The Black Squares Help
On Floor 29 of Corporate Courtney, I discuss the lack of changes in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion since June 2020. The Black Squares and Chief Diversity Officers sprang up but, what tangible changes have we seen?
Season 2

FL28- Metaphorical Cubicles
On Floor 28 I discuss the need for workplace boundaries and tips to get those metaphorical cubicles up in place to create work-life balance and keep your sanity. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @_CorporateCourt o Email me at TheCor...
Season 2

FL27- Work From Home or Living At Work
This week on Floor 27 I discuss the work from Fatigue or WFH Burnout. This Pandemic is taking a toll on our bodies, brains, and spirits and we have to find a way through.Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @:_CorporateCourtEm...
Season 2

FL26- Sunday Scaries on Steroids
Welcome to Season 2 of Corporate Courtney! This week on Floor 26 I discuss The January Slump in a pandemic and some of the ways I've combated Seasonal Affective Disorder and Activity Bias.Follow Me on Insta and Twitter: @_CorporateCourt...
Season 2
Episode 26